ENG1 Seafarer Medical

ENG1 Seafarer Medical

Price:  £115

ENG1 Seafarer Medical

Price: £115

ENG1 Seafarer Medical

Price:  £115

A Seafarer Medical Certificate is legally required from any seafarer, including the master, who is employed or engaged in work capacity aboard a ship and whose normal place of work is on a ship, to attest for their medical fitness to perform their duties.The medical examination and assessment is conducted in accordance with statutory medical standards set by the Secretary of State and overseen by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

An ENG 1 certificate must be issued only by a doctor approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

    Who needs this medical?

You need ENG 1 certificate if you are:

  • a seafarer (a seafarer is anyone who works on board a seagoing ship, including: master and crew, self-employed contractors, shopkeepers and hairdressers, entertainers. A seagoing ship is any vessel on an international voyage or from a foreign port, on a domestic journey from the UK coast, more than 500 gross tonnes)
  • in charge of a ship
  • serving on a merchant ship or yacht
  • working on a fishing vessel over 24m in length
  • working on a fishing vessel less than 24m in length, but are at sea for more than 72 hours or are operating more than 200 miles from the coastline of the UK or beyond the continental shelf
  •  working on a fishing vessel of any size that is subject to inspection at a foreign port

     You need ML5 certificate if you are:

  • master of a non-seagoing passenger ship (Class IV or V)
  • master of a commercial non-seagoing vessel
  • master and crew of a small commercial vessel (under 24 metres, carrying no more than 12 passengers, going no more than 60 miles from shore)
  • crew or other employee (like a steward, security guard, caterer) on a domestic seagoing passenger ship (Class VI or VI(A))
  • working on a fishing vessel under 24m in length that is not subject to inspection in a foreign port, at sea for more than 72 hours or operating more than 200 miles from the coastline of the UK or beyond the continental shelf.
  • For more information please, visit the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) website here .

    What is involved in this assessment?

    The medical assessment takes approximately 45 minutes. The exact assessment will vary depending on your role at sea, but it will generally include measurements of your height, weight, blood pressure; eyesight and colour vision testing; audiometry; urinalysis. You will have to disclose information about any medical problems, hospital visits, and/or medication if you're taking any. Other tests that might be clinically indicated from the history will be explained.  A general physical examination will be conducted, including examination of teeth, gums, mouth and throat; examination of heart, lungs and neurological system; examination of abdomen including checking for hernias. It will be necessary for you to be partially undressed to conduct a full examination (down to bra and underpants for females and underpants for males). 

    Privacy and dignity will be of paramount importance at all times and you will be offered a chaperone.

    What do I need to bring with me?

    At your appointment you will be asked to present a photo ID, which must be either an original passport, driving licence, or a discharge book/seaman's card. Please note that no other forms of ID are acceptable, and neither are photocopies, scans, or other images.

    Please also bring your current/previous medical certificate (if you have one).

    You will have to provide us with information about any medical problems, hospital visits, and/or medication you’re taking.

    We have to test your vision without and then with correction. If you have vision correction, please have your glasses and/or contact lenses with you.

    You must tell us if you have failed a previous ENG1 examination or if you have been issued one with restrictions (ENG3).

    Your ENG1 medical results:

    At the end of the ENG1 examination, you will be issued a seafarer medical certificate. This can certify you as:
    • fit without restrictions (unrestricted)
    • fit with restrictions (e.g., limiting your work to certain jobs or locations)
    • temporarily or permanently unfit
    You won’t get your ENG1 certificate on the same day if the doctor has any concerns about your fitness and needs to get additional medical information or seek advice from the MCA chief medical adviser. You’ll get a ‘temporarily unfit certificate’ if it is likely to be a delay in the doctor’s final decision.
    If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please send an e-mail to: doctor@tridenthyperbaric.co.uk 

    Medicals and Prices
    We provide medicals for the maritime and offshore industries, commercial and recreational diving medicals, compressed air work, and work with asbestos medicals.

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